Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Religion and Ethnicity
By: Jousairi Hasbullah
In Indonesia, there are at least 8 original religions. Sundanese wiwitan, Kejawen, Marapu, Buhun, Kaharingan, Ugamo Malim, Tolotang and Madrais. But only 6 official religions are recognized. What is their population?
Data on religious adherents in Indonesia can be obtained from administrative records (KTP) and from the Population Census. In both sources it lists and or cultivates only official religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Konghuchu. In the Population Census (last census in 2010) actually respondents are free to include whatever religion they profess. But never processed one by one. Only the total number can be seen.
In 2010, the total number of adherents of religion other than 6 officially recognized religions: 296 979 people. That may be the population of the eight native religions mentioned and several other native religions plus Judaism.
From another side, ethnicity is rather complicated. We used to have, in my records, around 1340 tribes in Indonesia. The last census recorded was 633 tribes. Many tribes no longer have members. Lost. Even, out of the 633 ethnics, 85 percent are the 15 biggest ethnicity. As many as 99.07 percent are only from 145 ethnics. That is, the other ethnics are very small in number. The 15 largest ethnics today: population and percentage of total population are:
(In Bahasa: juta means millions)
1. Jawa 95 juta org.40.1%
2. Sunda 37 juta 15.5 %
3. Melayu 8,8 juta 3.7%
4.Batak 8,5 juta 3,6%
5.Madura 7,2 juta 3.03 %
6.Betawi 6,8 juta 2,9%
7.Minang 6.4 juta 2 7%
8.Bugis 6,4 juta 2 71%
9.Banten 4,6 juta 1.96%
10.Banjar 4.1 juta 1,7%
11.Bali 3,9 juta 1.66%
12.Aceh 3,4 juta 1,44%
13.Dayak 3,2 juta 1,36%
14.Sasak 3.1 juta 1,34%
15.Tionghoa 2,8 jt 1,20%
41.Komering 370 ribu org 0,16 % saja😄😄suku ku.
145. Atingola 6 090 members only.
Note: 1. In DATA COLLECTION, the technique of classifying ethnicity is not purely Anthropology, but with Ethno Demographic technique: self declaration / self identification. 2. Chinese population if on the basis of anthropological is much bigger. By using the ethno-demographic method, Chineses who have tens of generations do not consider as Chinese but as Javanese or other to which he is affiliated with culture / assimilation.
3. Betawi always increase faster ... because people who have lived for generations in Jakarta, have identified themselves as Betawi.
Ethnodemography: fluid concept. JSH 6 Mai 2020.
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