Jousairi Hasbullah:
There are at least two broad basic premises of social capital. First, social capital covers connections, networks, interactions, and reciprocity. The second, the quality of the first is shaped by norms, values, expectations and trust.
There are also two broad dimensions of social capital. 1. Bonding social capital which is characterized by exclusive orientation of individual or group behavior. 2. Bridging social capital which is inclusive.
Definition of social capital varies between experts. Some experts define social capital as connections among individuals, social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them (civic virtue). Civic virtue is most powerful when embedded in a sense network of reciprocal social relations (Robert D Putnam, 2000)
Another expert argue, social capital refers to the institutions, relationship, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of society's social interactions. It is not just the sums of institutions but that is a glue that bind them together.
Social capital consists of the stock of active connections among people: the trust,mutual understanding and shared values and behaviors that bind the members of human networks and communities and make cooperative action possible (Cohen and Prusak,2001)
Why It is Important?
Social capital allow citizens to resolve collective problems more easily. It also allow community to advance smoothly where people are trusting and trustworthy everyday business and transactions are less costly. Social capital embodied in norms and networks of civic engagements which can push economic development. If social capital increase, more cohesive, the experience of many countries the incidence of crime will decrease. If the degree of social capital low, people will cooperate in joint actions only under formal rules and regulations.
This is only a very brief and basic information regarding social capital. If the readers in Indonesia want to learn more detail related to concept, dimensions and spectrum of social capital, you can read the first book available in Indonesia written by Jousairi Hasbullah under the title " social capital: menuju keunggulan budaya manusia Indonesia.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter.Bandung July 2018.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
The Philosophy of Statistics
Jousairi Hssbullah:
Those of you, the reader of the title of this aeticle may ask what is the need to talk about philosophy of statistics ( read as statistical data). If you ask like that, it means you are still constrained by the oldway of thinking that statistics are merely a collection of complicated and difficult mathemstical formulas.
Formulas is important. There are no statistics without formulas to measure volumes, trends and relationship between variables. But, the formula alone is not enough. The current modern statistics require a deep interpretation of each data presented. Data meaning, that is what is needed by data users, by stakeholders, by the public.
To deal with the meaning of the data is great fun and all official statistician should like it. It would be more interested if you understand the deepest philosophy of the statistics itself.
To enhance our underdtanding of statistics philosophycally, I like to quote of what Florence Nightingle said: " to understand God's thought, we must study statistics, for these were the measure of His purposes.
What actually statistics are? Statistics define as a body of method for making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty ( WA Wilis). Prof Stephen Sen said that the world of Statistics mostly or much more in common dealing with philosophy than it does with accounting.
If we talk about the power of statistics, it is the power to explain, to explain the reality objectively. Technology has brought remarkable progress in the society but at the same time people love things superficial, quick, verbal language and loves issues that are not supported by scientific evidences or statistical data. Public becomes more impulsive, freedom of conscience becomes the liberty of abusive, defamatory and seditious.
In this such situation of the world, statistics should and must play a role in restoring freedom of speech sustained by the ability to speak, give ideas and asess things with data, quality data.
With data will make the conversation, discussion, dialog more honest. With data of sheep's weasel behavior ( Een vos verliest wel zijn haren, maar niet zijn streken) will be reduced. With data, the betrayal of the intelectuals ( la trahision des cleres) will also be minimize. With data, humanbeing can see the world more beautifully ( per excellenza)
World needs a new culture, culture of evidence based in order to make human being of more wise, peaceful and love.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung July 2018.
Those of you, the reader of the title of this aeticle may ask what is the need to talk about philosophy of statistics ( read as statistical data). If you ask like that, it means you are still constrained by the oldway of thinking that statistics are merely a collection of complicated and difficult mathemstical formulas.
Formulas is important. There are no statistics without formulas to measure volumes, trends and relationship between variables. But, the formula alone is not enough. The current modern statistics require a deep interpretation of each data presented. Data meaning, that is what is needed by data users, by stakeholders, by the public.
To deal with the meaning of the data is great fun and all official statistician should like it. It would be more interested if you understand the deepest philosophy of the statistics itself.
To enhance our underdtanding of statistics philosophycally, I like to quote of what Florence Nightingle said: " to understand God's thought, we must study statistics, for these were the measure of His purposes.
What actually statistics are? Statistics define as a body of method for making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty ( WA Wilis). Prof Stephen Sen said that the world of Statistics mostly or much more in common dealing with philosophy than it does with accounting.
If we talk about the power of statistics, it is the power to explain, to explain the reality objectively. Technology has brought remarkable progress in the society but at the same time people love things superficial, quick, verbal language and loves issues that are not supported by scientific evidences or statistical data. Public becomes more impulsive, freedom of conscience becomes the liberty of abusive, defamatory and seditious.
In this such situation of the world, statistics should and must play a role in restoring freedom of speech sustained by the ability to speak, give ideas and asess things with data, quality data.
With data will make the conversation, discussion, dialog more honest. With data of sheep's weasel behavior ( Een vos verliest wel zijn haren, maar niet zijn streken) will be reduced. With data, the betrayal of the intelectuals ( la trahision des cleres) will also be minimize. With data, humanbeing can see the world more beautifully ( per excellenza)
World needs a new culture, culture of evidence based in order to make human being of more wise, peaceful and love.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung July 2018.
The Implication of Demographic Transitiom on Indonesia 2020 Population Census
Jousairi Hasbullah
There has been three stages of demographic transition.
The first, from both high fertility and mortality to low fertility and mortality. The end of the first demographic transition is marked by replacement level of fertility when TFR is about 2.1. If the level can be maintained for about 40 years, the population will stable with zero growth. The most recent situation, some countries even have reached below replacement level. While in Indonesia the replacement level will be reached in 2020, but in some provinces even have complated replacement level: Jakarta, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali.
The second demographic transition as stated by Van de Kaa, fertility reached below replacement level and the population will be characterized by older age of marriage, single woman, many more couples with no children, the stronger emerging of ageing population. Society tend tobe more individual, self actualization and the stronger tendency of self actualization.
The third demographic transition as argued by Coleman 2006, TFR stabilized below replacement level and at the same time there will be followed by the accelaration of more complex population mobility both in the form of directions, typologies, and the volume. All these trends mentioned will have an implication on ethnic composition. At the same time there will be stronger ethnic and primordial group based politics which could create social uncertainties, social tension and social distrust.
Implication on 2020 Indonesia Census
The complexity of the society: more individual, the need for self actualization, nucleous family, distrust toward other group and toward government make the field process of census will not simple. The need to give a strong focus on understanding changing behavior of the societies and create the most suitable field strategy to overcome the emerging problems.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung July 2018.
There has been three stages of demographic transition.
The first, from both high fertility and mortality to low fertility and mortality. The end of the first demographic transition is marked by replacement level of fertility when TFR is about 2.1. If the level can be maintained for about 40 years, the population will stable with zero growth. The most recent situation, some countries even have reached below replacement level. While in Indonesia the replacement level will be reached in 2020, but in some provinces even have complated replacement level: Jakarta, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali.
The second demographic transition as stated by Van de Kaa, fertility reached below replacement level and the population will be characterized by older age of marriage, single woman, many more couples with no children, the stronger emerging of ageing population. Society tend tobe more individual, self actualization and the stronger tendency of self actualization.
The third demographic transition as argued by Coleman 2006, TFR stabilized below replacement level and at the same time there will be followed by the accelaration of more complex population mobility both in the form of directions, typologies, and the volume. All these trends mentioned will have an implication on ethnic composition. At the same time there will be stronger ethnic and primordial group based politics which could create social uncertainties, social tension and social distrust.
Implication on 2020 Indonesia Census
The complexity of the society: more individual, the need for self actualization, nucleous family, distrust toward other group and toward government make the field process of census will not simple. The need to give a strong focus on understanding changing behavior of the societies and create the most suitable field strategy to overcome the emerging problems.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung July 2018.
A Very Brief History of Indonesia Anti-Corruption Survey
Jousairi Hasbullah:
Indonesia Anti-Corruption Bahavior Survey is one of BPS-Statistics Indonesia important survey to identify people's behavior toward petty corruption.
This survey uses a very comprehensive framework combining international framework and Indonesia's spesific habits toward corruption. This Survey initiated by Indonesia National Planning Board (Bappenas) in collaboration with BPS Statistics Indonesia as an implementing agency/executor of the survey.
The preparation was very intensive. The first meeting between BPS (sairi and team)-Bappenas (ms Diani and team) and also attended by UNODC (ms Monica and team) was on 1 June 2012 at Hotel Santika Jakarta to discuss of the posibility of BPS to conduct the survey.
At the begining, the difficulty was especially related to the framework. We, BPS Statistics Indonesia has no knowledges about people's behaviour toward corruption, but according to Bappenas, Indonesia should conduct the survey because it is the oblligation of the Presidential Regulation number 55 year 2012 about Nasional Strategy toward Corruption Elimination. This regulation was part of Presidential Instruction number 9 year 2011.
The meeting then continued on 6 and 8 of June in Bappenas attended by minister of Planning Ms Armida Alisyahbana. The meeting conclude: BPS the only institution which by law and by its capacity has a right and competecies to do the Survey.
Starting from July 2012, I, as a Director of Social Resillient Statistics lead the BPS team. The first step we did was that to learn intensively the framework of Corruption Perception Survey conducted by UN in Western Balkan, literature studies, and also learned much about the methodology of the survey ..We also invite all Indonesian experts on corruption.
Starting from November 2012, BPS then conducted the survey and the result officially announced by BPS Chief Statistician and became very popular in Indonesia.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter July, 2018.
Indonesia Anti-Corruption Bahavior Survey is one of BPS-Statistics Indonesia important survey to identify people's behavior toward petty corruption.
This survey uses a very comprehensive framework combining international framework and Indonesia's spesific habits toward corruption. This Survey initiated by Indonesia National Planning Board (Bappenas) in collaboration with BPS Statistics Indonesia as an implementing agency/executor of the survey.
The preparation was very intensive. The first meeting between BPS (sairi and team)-Bappenas (ms Diani and team) and also attended by UNODC (ms Monica and team) was on 1 June 2012 at Hotel Santika Jakarta to discuss of the posibility of BPS to conduct the survey.
At the begining, the difficulty was especially related to the framework. We, BPS Statistics Indonesia has no knowledges about people's behaviour toward corruption, but according to Bappenas, Indonesia should conduct the survey because it is the oblligation of the Presidential Regulation number 55 year 2012 about Nasional Strategy toward Corruption Elimination. This regulation was part of Presidential Instruction number 9 year 2011.
The meeting then continued on 6 and 8 of June in Bappenas attended by minister of Planning Ms Armida Alisyahbana. The meeting conclude: BPS the only institution which by law and by its capacity has a right and competecies to do the Survey.
Starting from July 2012, I, as a Director of Social Resillient Statistics lead the BPS team. The first step we did was that to learn intensively the framework of Corruption Perception Survey conducted by UN in Western Balkan, literature studies, and also learned much about the methodology of the survey ..We also invite all Indonesian experts on corruption.
Starting from November 2012, BPS then conducted the survey and the result officially announced by BPS Chief Statistician and became very popular in Indonesia.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter July, 2018.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Brief Explanation about Literacy
Jousairi Hasbullah:
Many parties talk and debate related to literacy/ illiteracy but do not fully understand what the figure tell us about literacy or illiteracy. This is due to our misunderstanding of how these figures are obtained. What concept and definition used to classify someone literacy or illiteracy.
The international definition, UNESCO, differentiate between traditional and the new definition. Traditional definition define literacy as "the ability to read and write" . This definition then been developed by adding words "with understanding". Several year ago Unesco used this definition: the ability to read and write with understanding". It means if one can read Arabic but does not understand the meaning still been classified as Illiteracy.
The most recent definition of literacy odopted by UN/UNESCO is more complex and more comprehensive: " the ability to identify, understand, interpret, communicate, compute, and used printed materials associated with varying context.
Furthermore, among OECD countries the definition of literacy is expanding to include skills to access knowledge through technology and ability to assess complex context.
How about countries in Asia and Pacific? Most of them still of using a very traditional concept only cover: the ability to read and write. This concept/definition is also adopted by Indonesia.
The internarional comparison still of great challenges.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung, Indonesia. July 2018.
Many parties talk and debate related to literacy/ illiteracy but do not fully understand what the figure tell us about literacy or illiteracy. This is due to our misunderstanding of how these figures are obtained. What concept and definition used to classify someone literacy or illiteracy.
The international definition, UNESCO, differentiate between traditional and the new definition. Traditional definition define literacy as "the ability to read and write" . This definition then been developed by adding words "with understanding". Several year ago Unesco used this definition: the ability to read and write with understanding". It means if one can read Arabic but does not understand the meaning still been classified as Illiteracy.
The most recent definition of literacy odopted by UN/UNESCO is more complex and more comprehensive: " the ability to identify, understand, interpret, communicate, compute, and used printed materials associated with varying context.
Furthermore, among OECD countries the definition of literacy is expanding to include skills to access knowledge through technology and ability to assess complex context.
How about countries in Asia and Pacific? Most of them still of using a very traditional concept only cover: the ability to read and write. This concept/definition is also adopted by Indonesia.
The internarional comparison still of great challenges.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung, Indonesia. July 2018.
Development means making people happy. United State Declaration of independence clearly mentiom: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the main purpose of America'independence.
God can give you life and the government can give you liberty, but no one can give you happiness.
Making people happy and satisfied with their lives is a universal goal of human existence. Based on this rational thinking Joseph E Stiglizt, Amartya Sen and Jean Paul Fitossi tried to explore new approach in measuring quality of life.
World actually needs alternative measurement in addition to the existing indicators. The new measurement should emphasis on people on what they value as important. The new measurement should also give emphasis on the recognition of the diversities and inequalities in human conditions.
I would like to outline very briefly one of their focus related to Subjective wellbeing (SWB).
Subjective well-being approach rely on people's owm judgement. There has been some ambiguities and misconceptions especially in the assumption that all dimensions of subjective well-being can somehow be reduced to a single concept of "happiness".
(Note from sairi: This is a new perspectives different from what has been mentioned by prof Martin Seligman which implicitly equalize SWB with happiness)
According to the commission, quoted Dinner's clasification, SWB consists of 3 aspects:
1. Life Satisfaction: person's overall judgement about their lives at a particular point in time.
2.The presence of positive feeling or affect characterized by the flow of positive emotion such as feeling of happiness, joy, and/or a sense of vitality and energy.
3. The absence of negative feeling or affect such as sad, angry, depressed from moment to moment.
Note: people who experience unpleasant feeling or physical pain could still be very satisfied with their lives if they value the contribution that they feel they are making to society is important.
The new approach has also been an inspiration of BPS Statistics Indonesia in establishing Happiness Survey in Indonesia.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. July, 2018.
God can give you life and the government can give you liberty, but no one can give you happiness.
Making people happy and satisfied with their lives is a universal goal of human existence. Based on this rational thinking Joseph E Stiglizt, Amartya Sen and Jean Paul Fitossi tried to explore new approach in measuring quality of life.
World actually needs alternative measurement in addition to the existing indicators. The new measurement should emphasis on people on what they value as important. The new measurement should also give emphasis on the recognition of the diversities and inequalities in human conditions.
I would like to outline very briefly one of their focus related to Subjective wellbeing (SWB).
Subjective well-being approach rely on people's owm judgement. There has been some ambiguities and misconceptions especially in the assumption that all dimensions of subjective well-being can somehow be reduced to a single concept of "happiness".
(Note from sairi: This is a new perspectives different from what has been mentioned by prof Martin Seligman which implicitly equalize SWB with happiness)
According to the commission, quoted Dinner's clasification, SWB consists of 3 aspects:
1. Life Satisfaction: person's overall judgement about their lives at a particular point in time.
2.The presence of positive feeling or affect characterized by the flow of positive emotion such as feeling of happiness, joy, and/or a sense of vitality and energy.
3. The absence of negative feeling or affect such as sad, angry, depressed from moment to moment.
Note: people who experience unpleasant feeling or physical pain could still be very satisfied with their lives if they value the contribution that they feel they are making to society is important.
The new approach has also been an inspiration of BPS Statistics Indonesia in establishing Happiness Survey in Indonesia.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. July, 2018.
Sociology: Modern Generation
Jousairi Hasbullah:
Auguste Comte 1838, Herbert Spencer 1850, and Karl Marx are founding generation of sociology.
Modern sociologist can not be separated from Emile Durkheim, Marx Weber, Spencer, Talcott Parson and Comte.
Emile Durkheim, French socioligist did a very famous study on suicide 1897. He found that the incidence of suicide among Jews is less than among Catholic and Catholic is less than protestan.
Marx Weber is very famous with his study " the Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitali sm. His findings: Protestan consistently wealthier than Catholic. Why was it? According to Weber, the difference due to the difference in values of the two groups. It seems paralel between Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism.
Functionalist model ( Durkheim, Comte, Spencer, Talcott Parson) sees society as integrated system with interrelated institutions. These provide rules governing behaviour that maintain a kind of equlibrium; and a set of common value that bind people together.
Conflict theories sees society as an arena of groups and classes in conflict, each seeking dominance. Symbolic Interactionism focus on the nuances of every day life.
Jousairi Hasbullah
Bandung 11 July 2018
Auguste Comte 1838, Herbert Spencer 1850, and Karl Marx are founding generation of sociology.
Modern sociologist can not be separated from Emile Durkheim, Marx Weber, Spencer, Talcott Parson and Comte.
Emile Durkheim, French socioligist did a very famous study on suicide 1897. He found that the incidence of suicide among Jews is less than among Catholic and Catholic is less than protestan.
Marx Weber is very famous with his study " the Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitali sm. His findings: Protestan consistently wealthier than Catholic. Why was it? According to Weber, the difference due to the difference in values of the two groups. It seems paralel between Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism.
Functionalist model ( Durkheim, Comte, Spencer, Talcott Parson) sees society as integrated system with interrelated institutions. These provide rules governing behaviour that maintain a kind of equlibrium; and a set of common value that bind people together.
Conflict theories sees society as an arena of groups and classes in conflict, each seeking dominance. Symbolic Interactionism focus on the nuances of every day life.
Jousairi Hasbullah
Bandung 11 July 2018
Social Statistician, Sociology and Anthropology
Jousairi H asbullah:
It is almost imposible to be able to interprete social statistics data if one do not have a good capacity in understanding social pheno menon. If you want tobe a powerful data interpreter, you must study sociology and anthropology.
Let me give an example of how you can translate the poverty rate substantively if you do not learn about the social causes of poverty and the history of human activities that cause them tobe poor.
Let me give an example of how we could understand human cultural experience and relate it with poverty. If we learn about anthropology especially practice theory developed by Piere Bourdieu which said that human ideas and values are formed and shaped by human cultural experience. Habitus according to Bourdieu in the traditional societies are never questioned. This situation in the classification by Bourdieu called as doxa. When doxa exists, there is no choice, people see no option. This is the root of poverty.
Economist always give answer too simple of the cause of poverty like of inflation, low wages, and other related superficial determinants.
The alternative to doxa are the situation, people have more than one possible rule and meaning exists which what he called as Heterodoxy. The third posibility is Orthodoxy. In this situation, powerful people, class, or interests often force people into their line. By learning this theory we will understand one, among many causes, of why people being poor. This is just an example.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung 12 July 2018.
It is almost imposible to be able to interprete social statistics data if one do not have a good capacity in understanding social pheno menon. If you want tobe a powerful data interpreter, you must study sociology and anthropology.
Let me give an example of how you can translate the poverty rate substantively if you do not learn about the social causes of poverty and the history of human activities that cause them tobe poor.
Let me give an example of how we could understand human cultural experience and relate it with poverty. If we learn about anthropology especially practice theory developed by Piere Bourdieu which said that human ideas and values are formed and shaped by human cultural experience. Habitus according to Bourdieu in the traditional societies are never questioned. This situation in the classification by Bourdieu called as doxa. When doxa exists, there is no choice, people see no option. This is the root of poverty.
Economist always give answer too simple of the cause of poverty like of inflation, low wages, and other related superficial determinants.
The alternative to doxa are the situation, people have more than one possible rule and meaning exists which what he called as Heterodoxy. The third posibility is Orthodoxy. In this situation, powerful people, class, or interests often force people into their line. By learning this theory we will understand one, among many causes, of why people being poor. This is just an example.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSHcenter. Bandung 12 July 2018.
The Path to the Establishment of the Framework of Indonesia Happiness Index
By Jousairi Hasbullah.
Before BPS sets the framework of happiness , I lead all my selected colleagues to explore the path of the thoughts of what is happiness. We did learned several perspectives developed by psycologist expert for example the theory of happiness developed by Prof Bentham, 1970; prof Nusbaum.1992, Martin Seligman.2003. STIGLITZ Commision ( Joseph E.stiglitz, Amartya sen and Jean paul fitossi) on the measurement of social progress; OECD, NEF and Bhutan framework and many others.
There are at least 4 initial perspective of happiness. Hedonism, Desire, Objective List and, Authentic Happiness.
Hedonism (Bentham) sees happiness as a matter of raw subjective feeling, maximizes feeling of pleasure and minimizes feeling of pain. But, this perspective has many problems. How happiness/pleasure is distributed across one'life span, or the statement of happiness means for the whole life. It is not clear yet.
Desire theory (prof Griffin, 1986) sees the fulfillment of desire contribute to one' happiness regardless of the amount of pleasure or displeasure. This theory called as good life means engagement to desire.
Objective list theory developed by Nusbaum sees happiness outside just merely a feeling but incorporate "trully valuable things" in the real world. Happiness consists of human life that achieve certain things worth pursuit. Such a list might include : career, friendship, health, education, income, material comforts, spirit, beauty, love, knowledge, good conscience and related matters. Objective list is also famous as meaningful life. Life of affiliation.
Authentic Happiness developed by Martin Seligman 2003. He argues that the three above theory called as 3 theoretical tradition which explain: 1.The pleasant life (pleasure). 2.The good life (engagement) 3. The meaningful life ( life of affiliation). Authentic happiness synthesize all 3 traditions mentioned. According to Seligman, the good life with spesification to engagement, the original ideas came from Aristoteles and could be interpreted as virtue or excellence or highest human good. What is engagement? It is the pleasure of contemplation in deep absorption and immersion.
The combination of engagement and meaningful life that what Selighman said as EUDAIMONIA. Note: Eudaimonia came from Greek words, Eu: good, Daimon: spirit or as mentioned above it could also called as virtues or excellence: the highest human good.
This 4 perspectives combined with the ideas of Stiglitz commision ( subjective wellbeing), OECD ( life satisfaction) and NEF ( wellbeing, quality of life, life satisfaction) which made up the framework of Indonesia Happiness Index.
Jousairi Hasbullah
JSH Center Bandung. 12 Juli 2018.
Brief Info about Indonesia Happiness Index
BPS Statistics Indonesia Develop Comprehensive Happiness Index.
April 2017 BPS Statistics Indonesia release the most recent Indonesia Happiness Index. Survey conducted in 34 provinces (all Indonesia provinces) 487 districts ( regencies and municipalties) and in 72 317 households. Data aggregation up to provincial level.
This survey used a very comprehensive framework. Combined the happiness framework of OECD, NEF (National Ec Foundation) and the cultural dimension of Indonesia.They are 3 dimensions of happiness used in measuring happiness index:1. Life Satisfaction consists of personal and social. Personal consists of the fulfilment of the quality of human capital: education, health, work, income, housing, personal life satisfaction. Social LS: family harmony, leisure, social network, environment, and security. 2. Dimension of Affect: positive and negative affects. 3. Eudaimonia: Independent, environment mastery, Self Development, positive relation with others, the purpose of life, Self Acceptance.
The Happiness Index of Indonesia 2017 was 70.69. Life satisfaction index: 71.07; Affect Dimension Index: 68. 59 and Eudaimonia Index was 72.23. There were interesting findings. Male was happier than female, single happier than married, the younger one was happier than the old and many other interesting findings.
Jousairi Hasbullah
10 July 2018.
April 2017 BPS Statistics Indonesia release the most recent Indonesia Happiness Index. Survey conducted in 34 provinces (all Indonesia provinces) 487 districts ( regencies and municipalties) and in 72 317 households. Data aggregation up to provincial level.
This survey used a very comprehensive framework. Combined the happiness framework of OECD, NEF (National Ec Foundation) and the cultural dimension of Indonesia.They are 3 dimensions of happiness used in measuring happiness index:1. Life Satisfaction consists of personal and social. Personal consists of the fulfilment of the quality of human capital: education, health, work, income, housing, personal life satisfaction. Social LS: family harmony, leisure, social network, environment, and security. 2. Dimension of Affect: positive and negative affects. 3. Eudaimonia: Independent, environment mastery, Self Development, positive relation with others, the purpose of life, Self Acceptance.
The Happiness Index of Indonesia 2017 was 70.69. Life satisfaction index: 71.07; Affect Dimension Index: 68. 59 and Eudaimonia Index was 72.23. There were interesting findings. Male was happier than female, single happier than married, the younger one was happier than the old and many other interesting findings.
Jousairi Hasbullah
10 July 2018.
Ineffective Leadership of the NSOs in LDCs of the Asia Pacific
By: Jousairi Hasbullah
The work of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of the developing and Less Developed Countries (LDCs) in Asia has not been effective in producing, disseminating, and communicating statistics. This is due to the weaknesses of leadership of the high rank of management of NSOs.
Leadership of the NSOs could be devided into at least 3 forms: Internal institution leadership, External leadership and, leadership for structural and cultural changes.
For internal leadership there are abundant management literatures tried to be discussed among top management and staff, but very weak in implementation. This is due to the difficulty of changing old traditional work culture with the new corporate cultures. Most of the high rank management of the NSOs do not fully understand of how to make it work.
They are constantly learning management and leadership theories either from literatures or from the experience of more developed countries related to the work of NSOs but, they forget to understand that all of those learned are hard to implement if not followed by the ability of identifyng the existing traditional culture that hinders the changes.
Most of the traditional mental model dominated by work little but want a lot of income, work simply for work without a high passion for statistical profession and the love for data; ineffective work habits and highly inward looking. Without knowing the cutural pattern that impedes the proposed changes, it would be difficult to implement effective leadership.
Based on the arguments mentioned, therefore I always give emphasize on the important of the creation of new work environment which is conducive to change of work culture.
Regarding work environment, there are at least 3 dimension/areas that needs attention. The first, related to the smoothness of the various affairs associated with financial support, human resources affairs, and a shared learning atmosphere that brings the admosphere of data passioned. These all non physical environment, should also be followed by a comportable physical working environment. By building a working environment that fosters the positive aura, it will facilitate the transformation of new work culture to the staff.
The Leadership for the external coordination of statistical activities is also uneffective.Most of the NSOs have not been supported by strong statistics law, weak position, and have limitation to engage with data users. As a consequence, the government officials have not yet placed institutions of high values; and the effort of putting NSOs as impartial and professional has not been achieved. There are also limited fund allocated for sustained production of statistics. The leadership from chief statisticians and high rank management have not been effective.
The NSO should learn the management and leadership of the developed countries. It is important as knowledge, but if it is considered as automatically can be applied in LDCs ( Less Developing Countries) certainly will not be effective before we do understand of the existing traditional habits and creat a new work environment: physical and non physical work environment.
Jousairi Hasbullah
Bandung. July 9, 2018
The work of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of the developing and Less Developed Countries (LDCs) in Asia has not been effective in producing, disseminating, and communicating statistics. This is due to the weaknesses of leadership of the high rank of management of NSOs.
Leadership of the NSOs could be devided into at least 3 forms: Internal institution leadership, External leadership and, leadership for structural and cultural changes.
For internal leadership there are abundant management literatures tried to be discussed among top management and staff, but very weak in implementation. This is due to the difficulty of changing old traditional work culture with the new corporate cultures. Most of the high rank management of the NSOs do not fully understand of how to make it work.
They are constantly learning management and leadership theories either from literatures or from the experience of more developed countries related to the work of NSOs but, they forget to understand that all of those learned are hard to implement if not followed by the ability of identifyng the existing traditional culture that hinders the changes.
Most of the traditional mental model dominated by work little but want a lot of income, work simply for work without a high passion for statistical profession and the love for data; ineffective work habits and highly inward looking. Without knowing the cutural pattern that impedes the proposed changes, it would be difficult to implement effective leadership.
Based on the arguments mentioned, therefore I always give emphasize on the important of the creation of new work environment which is conducive to change of work culture.
Regarding work environment, there are at least 3 dimension/areas that needs attention. The first, related to the smoothness of the various affairs associated with financial support, human resources affairs, and a shared learning atmosphere that brings the admosphere of data passioned. These all non physical environment, should also be followed by a comportable physical working environment. By building a working environment that fosters the positive aura, it will facilitate the transformation of new work culture to the staff.
The Leadership for the external coordination of statistical activities is also uneffective.Most of the NSOs have not been supported by strong statistics law, weak position, and have limitation to engage with data users. As a consequence, the government officials have not yet placed institutions of high values; and the effort of putting NSOs as impartial and professional has not been achieved. There are also limited fund allocated for sustained production of statistics. The leadership from chief statisticians and high rank management have not been effective.
The NSO should learn the management and leadership of the developed countries. It is important as knowledge, but if it is considered as automatically can be applied in LDCs ( Less Developing Countries) certainly will not be effective before we do understand of the existing traditional habits and creat a new work environment: physical and non physical work environment.
Jousairi Hasbullah
Bandung. July 9, 2018
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